Solutions for Life!

Yes, You Can Be a Member!

If you thought you couldn't join Isabella Community Credit Union, think again. Our credit union has a community charter, which means anyone living or working in Isabella County or surrounding counties can join our credit union. You might already know that there are many benefits to being a credit union member--such as low fees and loan rates, excellent member service, and democratic control. Community-chartered credit unions offer those benefits and more: greater membership diversity, a wider variety of services, and larger pools of qualified volunteers.

We also offer encouragement and education about saving, and help in making sound personal financial decisions and habits. As a member-owner you'll also have the opportunity for your opinion to be heard and to vote for the board that guides how your credit union should be managed.

If you're interested in joining, stop in or call ICCU at (989) 773-0348 or click to apply today!

Nicole Mozurkewich